What we do
Policy Analysis & Development
Undertaking research and analysis to inform the development and implementation of public policy initiatives and programs in the realms of labour market analysis and local economic development. We also assist organizations in various sectors throughout the policy development process from stakeholder consultations to options development to implementation and evaluation.
Economic & Social Research
Delivering unique insights on demographics, labour market dynamics and economic trends which help clients understand the relationships between their organizations and the people and places with which they interact.
Cultural & Neighbourhood-based innovation
We believe that cultural investments and innovations need to be democratised and extended beyond the traditional confines of the central cores of large urban centres or just found in “arty” neighbourhoods. Every neighbourhood in every city deserves to see cultural projects and investments made as locally as possible, so that they can be accessed by people wherever they live and work on a daily basis.
Developing action-oriented economic and strategies for business clusters and sector organizations, local governments and other public, private and non-profit sector actors.